Sunday, December 27, 2009
From Etsy's Front Page...

Monday, December 21, 2009
Yule Goodies~
Well, I had the most wonderful weekend with my family. Part of what I love about this time of year is the nice times at home wrapping, baking, making cards, and playing in the snow. I am a homebody, I'll leave the busy traffic and last minute shopping madness to others. Obviously, the holidays have become much too commercial, and in my opinion there is nothing like a freshly baked plate of cookies, or a gift that is made from the heart. Our tree has become heavily laden with paper snowmen, and santas that my daughter, the budding artist, has cut out and decorated. Apparently every square inch of our tree wasn't covered, so she decided to fill it up. My husband was on wrapping duty this weekend and our tree now looks like it is being held up by presents.
I spent alot of my weekend in the kitchen. I made snickerdoodles, chocolate-pecan fudge, yummy homemade turtles, my famous salsa, and chicken spaghetti. I still have to bake some bread, make a pecan pie, and a potato recipe that I will take for our big holiday dinner later in the week. I thought I would share my turtle recipe with you all. They are SO simple and delicious! If you need a last minute treat to give away or take to a gathering, these are amazing and easy peasy.
*waffle pretzel
*Rolos (any carmel filled chocolates will work)
*halved pecans
Heat oven to 250º. Lay pretzels out on baking sheet and place one carmel/chocolate on top. Bake until the chocolate just starts to melt. This was about 3 minutes in my oven. If you let it go too long, the carmel spills out and won't set up. Remove from oven and immediately press a pecan half into the top. Let them cool and firm up.
These are so delicious, I had a hard time keeping my hands off of them! But then again, I have absolutely no will power when it comes to chocolate. I have given up trying to fit into that little dress this holiday and decided to enjoy myself! Curvy is in...at least that is what I am telling myself! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!
Monday, December 14, 2009
All Eye Want for Christmas...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Home Again, Home Again Jiggety Jig
Friday, November 20, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
My Etsy shop will remain open, and I will be checking emails and convos, shipping will resume on Nov 30. I wish everyone a warm, happy, and safe holiday with your loved ones. May your days be filled with naps, lunch-time cocktails, and pecan pie.
On a parting note~ be sure to check out my Celtic Triskele pendant being given away by the lovely Mrs. B on her blog Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Hunt
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tipping My Hat...

Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Many Faces of Merlin

Michael Byrne as Merlin in The Mists of Avalon
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Of Art and Squirrels
I find myself "nesting", like a squirrel, at this time of year. Most people do spring cleaning each year when the weather turns nice, I do a bit of that, too. But in the fall, I find myself doing a major overhaul of my family's belongings. Like a furry critter I declutter, clean, and organize- all in preperation of hibernating for the long winter ahead. Living in beautiful Michigan, our winters are hard. Really. We have had snow so deep, you can go sledding off of your roof, and that is just the lower peninsula. In the upper peninsula, they have doors on the second story of their homes, so they can get out in the winter. My point is- we spend alot of time indoors during long, cold, snowstormy days.
The same goes for my business, too. My website is getting a major makeover right now and my Etsy shop is getting a facelift. I am retaking photos that I am unhappy with, checking my links (and adding new ones), listing new items, and marketing. I am expanding my online presence and meeting some great new people! My studio has recently been reorganized and cleaned, as well. It is amazing what treasures you rediscover when you organize your bead and wire stash! Now is also the time to look ahead to next year's art shows and decide which ones to participate in (will it truly be worth the while to drive all the way to Chicago for a show?)
Don't get me wrong...I am the Queen of Procrastination. But during the fall my "organization instinct" overrides my deeply ingrained sense of dalliance. And I am thankful for this. Some of my favorite days are in the middle of winter, snowbound, with nothing more to do than be with my family and create jewelry.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Balancing Act
I was graced with having almost no will power when it comes to certain things. Chocolate, for instance, or good beer (especially a really hoppy one with a nice bitter kick to it). I also have a keen sense of procrastination. I am a master at putting things off until the last possible minute. The combination of these two traits can be lethal when running your own small business. Add into the mix two wild little ones who need my attention, and it is a wonder anything gets accomplished!
I have been forced to devise a way to keep myself on task. It has been a daunting task for me- I am not a Type A personality. I am the true definition of Aquarius...free thinking, rebellious, I do things my own way , always need to have the last word, never do things by the book.
I have started writing everything down. My wonderful husband bought me an organizer in which I keep track of all of my important dates and events. On this I keep track of my daughter's kindergarten events, classes that I teach, upcoming art shows and deadlines, etc. I usually carry this with me and it has come in very handy on several occasions. I also have a notebook that I leave on my jewelry work table. I use this to keep track of incoming orders, making sure to record the order date and date needed. I try to jot down one or two goals to finish that day. I also use this notebook to sketch any ideas, and write notes to myself. Each day I check my notebook to see what I need to work on first. I don't give myself a strict time schedule during the day that way I can do a jewelry project, then play with the munchkins for a while, then do another project. I can adjust my day and spend a little more time on one thing and a little less time on others. Since I run a busy household, I also keep track of things that need to be done around the house. I write down things that need to be done on a daily basis, such as appoinments. I also write down a few weekly projects. These I work on over the course of the week as I have time, like cleaning out a closet, or organizing my kids' winter clothes.
My system is not fool proof, by any means. But it works for me. Most of the time...unless I settle in with some chocolate and a good beer next to my husband. Then it will have to wait until tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
When in Rome...
I do not promise to post everyday, I do promise, however, to be creative, sarcastic (is there any other way to be?), and honest. Over the next few days I will be figuring this out, adding things, letting you know more about myself and my art.
This is just the beginning...