"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world."

-C.S. Lewis

Sunday, December 27, 2009

From Etsy's Front Page...

So this weekend while I was enjoying myself with my family and not watching my shop, my copper spiral ring was on the front page of Etsy! I have been patiently waiting to be featured and when it finally happens I am not even around to see it! Hopefully it won't be the last time.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Yule Goodies~

*Our resident snow fairy*

Well, I had the most wonderful weekend with my family. Part of what I love about this time of year is the nice times at home wrapping, baking, making cards, and playing in the snow. I am a homebody, I'll leave the busy traffic and last minute shopping madness to others. Obviously, the holidays have become much too commercial, and in my opinion there is nothing like a freshly baked plate of cookies, or a gift that is made from the heart. Our tree has become heavily laden with paper snowmen, and santas that my daughter, the budding artist, has cut out and decorated. Apparently every square inch of our tree wasn't covered, so she decided to fill it up. My husband was on wrapping duty this weekend and our tree now looks like it is being held up by presents.

I spent alot of my weekend in the kitchen. I made snickerdoodles, chocolate-pecan fudge, yummy homemade turtles, my famous salsa, and chicken spaghetti. I still have to bake some bread, make a pecan pie, and a potato recipe that I will take for our big holiday dinner later in the week. I thought I would share my turtle recipe with you all. They are SO simple and delicious! If you need a last minute treat to give away or take to a gathering, these are amazing and easy peasy.


*waffle pretzel

*Rolos (any carmel filled chocolates will work)

*halved pecans

Heat oven to 250º. Lay pretzels out on baking sheet and place one carmel/chocolate on top. Bake until the chocolate just starts to melt. This was about 3 minutes in my oven. If you let it go too long, the carmel spills out and won't set up. Remove from oven and immediately press a pecan half into the top. Let them cool and firm up.

These are so delicious, I had a hard time keeping my hands off of them! But then again, I have absolutely no will power when it comes to chocolate. I have given up trying to fit into that little dress this holiday and decided to enjoy myself! Curvy is in...at least that is what I am telling myself! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!

Monday, December 14, 2009

All Eye Want for Christmas...

I took a quick minute to take a photo of my lovely "star pupils" (did I really just write that?!) before they head out into the big wide world and their new owners. These were headed out, amongst other goodies, in today's order shipment.

I recieved an early Yule gift today from my husband (we are as bad as children and can NEVER wait to open gifts!) My wonderful man bought me a cd I have been wanting for ages...Teribus! If you are not familiar with this trio, I suggest you become so. (http://www.teribusmusic.com/) We first heard them at a renaissance festival years ago. Everywhere we went that day we could feel the rhythm of the huge drum resonating through our bones, it was awesome! Their name is Scottish...Teribus was the name of a legendary Scottish bagpiper who marched with the troops on the battlefield. His music would stir them into a frenzy and keep their spirits up. It is the perfect music to keep me going through all the craziness of the holiday season!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Home Again, Home Again Jiggety Jig

Well, our successful roadtrip is behind us now, and all that remains are the hundreds of pictures that I took, and one huge mountain of laundry. Despite the fun and excitement of vacation, the mountain of laundry and the task of unpacking upon return are enough to turn me into a hermit. I stuffed myself with my inlaw's amazing homemade pecan pie, biscuits and gravy, and TWO Thanksgiving dinners...I won't even admit how much weight I gained in one week. My sales were a success while I was gone, and I returned to ship packages to Italy, Germany, and Greece, among other locations. This was quite exciting to me. I'm going global, baby!! And the winner of my give-away on Mrs. B's blog was announced...congrats to Hillary in Illinois.

I was suffering from withdrawl symptoms after not working with wire for a week. So as soon as I got home I ran to my studio and twirled around in circles. The whole thing was reminiscent of the scene on the mountain top in the Sound of Music, until I saw my kids eyeing me, mouths agape. I dove into a project (in between loads of vacation laundry) and created a few lovely goodies. I still have a few more, in various stages of completion, laying amongst the piles of clutter on my work table. But I am home now, so they must wait no more! It is good to be home!

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