My favorite time of year is beginning to show it's face. The leaves are just beginning to turn, and the apples are heavy on the trees. What is it about autumn that I love so much? I have such a feeling of giddy nostalgia and there is a certain spookiness that hangs in the air as Halloween approaches. I could, quite happily, live in eternal autumn.
Here are a few of my latest creations that speak "fall" to me...
"Archimedes in Love"
Here are a few of my latest creations that speak "fall" to me...

I will be selling my goodies at the Saline Oktoberfest Celebration this saturday September 25, from 10 am to 7 pm. If you are in the area, come by and say HI! After 7 pm, my husband and I will most likely be found in the Bier Garten slurping up spaetzle and German beer. :)